Become a supporter. Keep Scible alive.

Help keep Scible and our platform alive and ad-free. Contribute as much as you like, or bookmark us later to give when you can.

How you can support open science.

At Scible, we believe giving plays an important role in the scientific community.

We chose to make every single feature completely free for our users and opt-out of annoying ads. However, we can only continue to do this with your support.

To keep our services running smoothly, we rely on the occasional voluntary contribution from users like you.

By becoming a contributor, you will be directly supporting our open science platform. This allows us to keep our services open to everyone without intrusive advertisments.

Every penny goes directly towards maintaining our platform, developing future solutions and promoting our movement to the world.

Your contribution. Complete transparency.

We firmly believe in being transparent with your financial contribution. To achieve this, we are working with Open Collective – an open platform that allows us to accept donations and sponsorships, celebrate our supporters, pay expenses, and keep everyone up to date — all in one place. Here you can see all our supporters and see exactly where your contribution goes.

Maintaining Scible.

The monthly maintenance and running costs of Scible.

Promoting Open Science.

Promoting the importance of open-access and educating the public on the importance of scientific research.

Future Developments.

Developing new features that help members of the scientific community. 

To support us, simply click the button below. Thank you for your support, it goes an incredibly long way!