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Scible is a global scientific platform, online community and one of the world’s largest research databases. By using Scible, you can:
- Find & follow experts in any field to be notified when they release new research.
- Grow your own following to reach more people with your research.
- Generate citations & even your entire reference list in a single click.
- Build & share Readlists – cloud-based research libraries that help you find relavent related articles.
- Stay up to date with the most recent research in your field.
If you don’t have an account, you can:
- Search, find and read any academic article you need.
- Download research PDFs.
- Generate citations.
Or, create an account (which is completely free) to access to a whole array of extra features, including:
- Storing research from our database in a Readlist, so you never need to download a PDF again.
- Having your own Scible profile allowing others to follow your academic journey.
- Leaving comments to discuss, inform and educate others.
- Following experts in any field.
- Access to our ‘One-Click Bibliography’ generator to create your entire reference list in a single click.
and much more…
We are working with ‘Open Collective‘ to provide anyone with the ability to financially contribute towards the developemt of Scible. You can do so on ‘Our Collective‘, or find out more here.
With the Open Collective, you can give us a one-off donation or become a sponsor. These funds go directly towards the development of the platform and the marketing of our movement. The Open Collective gives you a detailed breakdown of our budget so you can see exactly where your contributions go!
You have complete control over how much you give. Thank you for considering to help Scible, your contribution goes a very long way to keeping our platform alive and ad-free!
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Over 200 million articles, complete open access, reference management, one-click bibliographies, connect with experts, and so much more. Just one click away.