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Account Types

Scible operates worldwide and each of our users has a different level of expertise. We have mutliple account types to cater to our diverse audience.

This is for users that have successfully published research in their field. 

Note: If you have recently published an article and our database does not contain your research yet, we will upgrade your account to a ‘Researcher’ account once your work becomes available.

This account is for:

  • Technology & product developers
  • R&D specialists
  • Government & NGO employees
  • Medical practitioners
  • Health care professionals.

This Account type includes any accredited practitioner that does not publish research as part of their work. 

This involves anyone who is currently studying at a University, College or any similar institution, including Post-Graduate students. 

Note: Post-Doctorate users should sign up with a ‘Researcher’ account if they have successfully published research in an acreddited journal that is in our database.

This is for anyone who is interested in discovering new research and learning more about any topic. Be sure to create a Public Account to keep up to date with new and interesting scientific findings in your field of interest.

With a public account, you can have your own Scible profile,  create Readlists,  leave comments and much more!

Note: Some of these account types will need to become verified before users can receive additional benefits, such as commenting as an expert in the field. 

However, when you first create your account, you simply need to select which one best suits your needs. 

For more information on the verification process, please see the ‘How To Get Verified’ page.

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Account Types