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Claiming Authorship Of Articles

Scible has one of the world’s largest databases of scientific articles. Because of this, it is very likely that lot of your research is already accessible on Scible. If you have publications on Scible, you can claim them by verifying you are the researcher responsible for the work.

This is a simple process that usually happens naturally during the sign up process. There are 2 main ways to claim your work:

When signing up for Scible, we will attempt to match your name and institution to authors already responsible for publications. 

Note: If you have recently published your first article, ensure you search our database to find it before requesting a researcher account. We refresh our database every 2 weeks, so we recommend waiting 2 weeks if you cannot locate your work. 

  1. Click ‘Create an account‘ to begin the sign up process.
  2. Select ‘Researcher‘ as your account type. 
  3. Fill in all your general information and make sure you use your institutional email address.
  4. Once you verify your account via email, you will be required to ‘Claim Your Account‘. Here, we will present you with matching researchers in our database (data is based on publications).
  5. Send in a doument that verifies your identity.
  6. Choose the profile that contains all of your publications. 
  7. Fill out your profile details.
That’s it! From here you will simply complete the final stages of profile creation as normal. Our team will then verify your account manually. Once done, you will be a verified Researcher!

You can claim your account by finding research you have published in our database using our Search feature. To do this:

  1. Search for your work and click your name in the Author list. Alternatively, search directly for a profile in your name.
  2. Click ‘Claim this account‘.

That’s it! From here you will simply complete the final stages of profile creation as normal.

Note: You will be required to send a photo of your University ID to verify your identity.

Someone has already claimed my account?

If you think someone has incorrectly claimed to be you, you can report this to our team ‘Here‘. 

We will request a photo of your University/ Institutional ID as proof of identity. If there is a match, you will be given access to this account.

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Claiming Authorship Of Articles