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Leaving Comments

We believe that an increase in public awareness of science is critical in reducing the spread of misinformation. To facilitate this, we have a comments section for users to discuss any research article.


Comments can be filtered to show ‘All Comments’ or to show ‘Student Only’, ‘Pratcitioner Only’ or ‘Researcher Only’.

This shows all of the comments including comments from non-students/researchers. This section allows for a broader discussion.

This filters comments and shows only the questions and comments students have posted. The replies can only be made by students, practitioners or researchers. This allows for a dialogue between experts and students that can bring about a better understanding of the research and topic area for the students.

This filters all of the comments to only display comments from verified practitioners. Replies can only be made by other verified practitioners or researchers. This can be viewed by all accounts but is designed to generate a higher level conversation between experts in the field.

This filters all of the comments to only display comments from verified researchers. Replies can only be made by other verified practitioners or researchers. This can be viewed by all accounts but is designed to generate a higher level conversation between experts in the field.

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This will remove all comments labelled as offensive & abusive by our system. For information on what is acceptable on our platform, be sure to check out our ‘Terms Of Use‘ page.


In short, no. We believe that all beliefs should be backed up by scientific evidence. However, even amongst the scientific community, there are differences in what is believed to be true or not (even if they are completely different from the wider consensus).

If someone does post a comment and you believe there is evidence that goes against that comment, feel free to reply with the evidence, that’s how knowledge gets shared!

We reserve the right to remove comments that go against our Terms Of Use. This includes content that can cause wider social or political issues if published.

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Leaving Comments